Origin & Development |
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History of Lake Baikal |
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Lake Baikal Climate |
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Fauna & Vegetation |
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Water of Lake Baikal |
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Recreational Areas |
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People of Lake Baikal |
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Lake Baikal Vegetation
Nature is very generous to Lake Baikal. A necklace of coniferous forests, decorating the shore mountain chains,
creates a unique beauty of landscapes, shelters animals and birds, and enlivens the surroundings. The pride of
Pribaikalye is the taiga forest. The light green of larch, birch, poplar and alder trees growing in the lower belt,
covers the slopes. Higher up it is replaced by a belt of a dark coniferous forest - cedar, fir and spruce. Up this
belt the slopes are covered with |
impassable brushwoods of trailing cedar, through which only bear trails run. Above
them on the gentle sloping terrace there are Alpine grasslands with parterres and finally, snowcovered peaks.
In contrast to European new woods the Baikal taiga has preserved trees of all ages - from young ones to 500-600 and
even 800 year old giants. It is the only place where pine forests, with the world famous Angara pine tree, extend.
Its timber has no match. In the undergrowth of pine forests, on the former burnings and clearings, one can come
across rich red bilberries and on the hillsides, fern thickets.
Mixed pine-birch and birch-aspen forests have rather a wide spreading, as it is a stage of indigenous pine

The most precious woods in Pribaikalye are cedar groves. The major forestry areas are located in the east of the
Central Siberian Upland.
Spruce and firewoods are the least in Pribaikalye. They grow mostly alongside cedar, larch and
sometimes, pine trees.
Among non-forest types, most widely spread are steppe, Apline meadowland and marsh vegetation. The Alpine flora is rich in
colourful, ornamental plants, e.g. vodosbor, Aquilegia (Lat.); gorechavka Gentiana (Lat.), cyclamens, herbs and "zharky"
(Trollius asiaticus L.) endemic flowers of bright yellow orange colour.
Meadowland vegetation is firstly water meadows along the valleys of big and small rivers, located mostly near hamlets
and villages.
Marshes in Pribaikalye dominate in cold areas. The taiga swamps are rich in cranberries and fragrant currants. |